Letter: Dutto has proven herself to be the best candidate

Published 10:00 am Saturday, October 15, 2022

We need experience to build our community.

My family has been disappointed that the city council elections seem to have become an arena for partisan bickering in our community. The seats on our city council have always been nonpartisan and we must look at each candidate’s experience and record to choose who may be the best advocate for our community.

Working to fund the railroad quiet zone in town … not a partisan issue. Convincing Grande Ronde Hospital to provide a safe place to dispose of unused medications (including opiates) … not a partisan issue. Advocating for a sidewalk on H Avenue for safe access to the new Central Elementary School … not a partisan issue. Working with the city to provide handicap accessibility on our sidewalks and in the urban renewal projects … not a partisan issue. Writing grants for Central Elementary School to bring in tens of thousands of dollars in funding … not a partisan issue. Corinne Dutto has done all of these things.

Corinne Dutto has been working for our community for more than 15 years. She has held seats on the City Budget Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, Parking, Traffic and Road Safety Commission, City Audit Committee, city council and Northeast Oregon Regional Solutions Committee. Additionally, she has spent an enormous amount of time volunteering with the Scouts, La Grande Swim Club, and La Grande schools over the years.

Corinne Dutto has shown that she has the long-term commitment and experience that our community needs. Because of her history of contributions to our community, Corinne Dutto has proven herself to be the best candidate for La Grande City Council position 7 this November.

Angela D’Antonio

La Grande

The Observer will run endorsement letters of no more than 350 words. We institute a deadline for letters to the editor so we can be fair with all the letters we receive and allow for responses before Election Day, if necessary. We run local letters of endorsement on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please submit your endorsement letters to the editor by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28. You can email them to news@lagrandeobserver.com or mail them to The Observer, c/o Andrew Cutler, 911 Jefferson Ave., La Grande, OR 97850. We will publish our last letters on Saturday, Nov. 5. Any letters received after the deadline will not run.
